Installation photographs and details of works in "Unpacking the Living Room."
WORK OUT|WORK OUT was the collaborative performance piece by Julie Hollenbach, Gambletron, and Heather Chamberlain, performed on October 20th at 2 pm in the Living Room.
Reflections on the “Unpacking Colonialism and Environmental Racism” Round Table Discussion
A reflection on "Unpacking Colonialism and Environmental Racism" (29 September 2018). A round table discussion with El Jones, Dr. Lynn Jones, Dr. Sherry Pictou, and Gloria Wesley.
Bee Taxidermy for Beginners with Ruth Marsh!
On October 3rd, the World’s Foremost Bee Taxidermist Ruth Marsh lead an in depth workshop teaching participants to create their own taxidermy bees!
Métis Beading Workshop with Carrie Allison!
On September 29th, Carrie Allison lead a skill-sharing workshop where she introduced the basics of Métis beading to participants and discussed her current collaborative project "The Shubenacadie River Beading Project" and its sister project "Shubie River."
Emily Davidson’s performance of “How Its Made” at the Opening Reception for Unpacking the Living Room
During the opening reception for Unpacking the Living Room on 22 September 2018, artist Emily Davidson performed the installation of her wall paper piece "How It's Made."